Alpha courses are 10-week courses designed to provide a place where people can raise and talk over any questions they have about life and faith, without feeling under any pressure or being pushed to be “religious”! They are now run in many thousands of churches in Britain and around the world, as well as in schools, universities, community halls and prisons. Ilkeston Baptist Church runs regular Alpha courses, and anyone living in the Ilkeston area who wants an opportunity to discuss questions about Christianity and life is most welcome – contact us for details of when the next course is starting, or if you’re interested in coming along. If you live elsewhere, the Alpha organisation will let you know of a course being run near you; contact or click on the Alpha website at
Biblical point of interest…
“Alpha” is the first letter of the alphabet in Greek, the language of the New Testament – the equivalent of our letter “a”. In Revelation 22:13, Jesus refers to himself as “the Alpha and the Omega”; these are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, the equivalent of our “a” and “z” – Jesus means that he is the first and the last. The “Alpha” course is so called because it is about Christian basics – what we might call the “ABC” of Christian life.
Kapstun Homes

Andy Blurton, project manager of Kapstun Homes
Kapstun Homes is a Christian housing project, which offers accommodation, and also pastoral care and evangelistic outreach, to homeless men in the Ilkeston area. We currently operate two houses in Ilkeston town centre.
Biblical point of interest…
For those who are puzzled by the name “Kapstun”, it is based on the word “capstone” (or “cornerstone”), which is used in Ephesians 2:20 and 1 Peter 2:6–7 as a title for Jesus. The “capstone” was the headstone set in a building at the angle of two main walls: it ensured that the walls lay at the correct angle to each other. Jesus is pictured as both the foundation stone of the church (e.g. 1 Corinthians 3:11) and as the chief cornerstone – the one who gives the church its shape and direction.
For information or enquiries about Kapstun Homes, email
Food Bank
The church distributes food parcels to those in need. Do contact us (see the “Contact us” page on this site) if you know someone who would benefit from a food parcel.
“Light and Love”
“Light and Love” is monthly meeting for worship and Christian fellowship for adults with learning difficulties. It takes place on Sunday afternoons, usually on the first or second Sunday of each month, at 2.30 p.m.
Overseas Mission

Rosie Hooton, our missionary in Athens
There are a number of missions which the church, at various times, has supported. At the moment, the overseas work with which we are particularly involved is Operation Mobilisation (O.M.), because one of our own members, Rosie Hooton, is working with them, doing evangelistic and social mission amongst the homeless and, in particular, women who have been trafficked into Europe and are forced to work as prostitutes on the streets of Athens. She has set up a new project called Ek Neou, providing legal and ethical job and training opportunities for these ladies.
For information about Operation Mobilisation, go to
For information about OM Greece,
For information about Ek Neou, go to or